5 tips of how not to be an entrepreneur!

To wear the cap of entrepreneurship it is important to think like an entrepreneur. The truth is that successful entrepreneurs are human beings, people with flesh and blood like you and I; they are not special beings with special abilities.
Entrepreneurs are people who have recognised their gifts/talents, are comfortable with it and passionate enough to share it with the world. Entrepreneurship is an unselfish act of multiplying talents by sharing it as against the burying of talents in fear of failure or reprimand.
To embark on the entrepreneurial journey, it is important for the entrepreneur to master the act of actually thinking and acting like a successful entrepreneur with a positive outlook to problem solving. Every would-be or successful entrepreneur has certain things in common which could be summarized below:

A. The entrepreneur focus his energy on going after their Passion and not on cash. They unselfishly use their Passion to provide solution to problems and challenges in their community. The entrepreneur’s first concern is how can he best meet the needs of the people and continue to do so. If he becomes wealthy from it, its all well and good.
B. Entrepreneurs build up on people relationship management. They understand that their talent or passion alone will not bring their dreams to reality but that the people matter. Therefore they build and nature relationship with their customers, their suppliers, the employees in the business, the investors and partners as well as the competition. They maintain the relationship using the following skills- communication, negotiation, influencing, and persuading skills.
C. Entrepreneurs understand that been responsible to themselves and the people they have a relationship with is the price to pay for the freedom that entrepreneurship gives them. To be able to run with your dreams and set your own pace requires a price. Responsibility can weigh us down which is why a lot would rather remain employees and allow someone else to shoulder the responsibility. However the thinking of the entrepreneur as regards responsibility is way different from that of an employee.
D. Mistakes will build strength and help convert weaknesses to strength. In entrepreneurship mistakes are rung on the ladder of success, they cannot be avoided or neglected. In fact entrepreneurs expect and embrace mistakes because it provides for them one new way to learn and to understand how not to do things. A responsible entrepreneur accepts his mistakes and learns from it instead of blame shifting.
E. Commitment to actually starting and continuing on the entrepreneurial road to success makes the entrepreneur stand out. He is separated from the lot who fall by the way side for one reason or another. Commitment does not mean rigidity in pursuing dreams, quite the contrary. While the entrepreneur is committed he must also possess the grace of flexibility and the readiness to adjust his plan to meet with the demands placed on him by the people he maintains a relationship with.

Therefore thinking like an entrepreneur does not make entrepreneurship a smooth ride, it’s not a “bed of roses” from start to finish. Anyone going into entrepreneurship in other to have an easy life needs to have a rethink. Even employees in a company do not have an easy life. Entrepreneurship is like a pot on the cooker, it has to get hot first before the content of the pot can begin to cook and be ready for the the people to eat it.

Before you take that giant leap of becoming an entrepreneur it is important to take time out to think about it first. Find out if your passion is hot enough to push you through the hard times that will surely come.

Published by IntercampServices

developing businesses using strategies and plan.

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